Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Meth, Jail, and Hope

Many people are arrested and go to jail because of drugs. But, why do they go to jail? What happens after they leave prison? The state of Michigan’s Kalamazoo County has experienced a surge in arrests relating to meth (methamphetamine). In October, 2018, Kalamazoo...

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Dsuvia and the Continuing Debate about Opioid Use

A new opioid drug is creating controversy in the ongoing debate about opioids and opioid use. On November 2, 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it had approved a new opioid. Known by the brand name Dsuvia, it is a form of the drug...

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The Average Cost of Illicit Drugs on the Street

From cocaine to OxyContin, drugs have been easy to find on just about any street corner in any country around the world. As long as there is a demand for these substances, drug suppliers will find a way to get people the drugs they crave. Why? It is because of a...

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Can You Get High On Suboxone?

If you’re addicted to opiates or heroin, Suboxone is a medication that can help you get off of them. However, there are some people that think that if you take Suboxone, you’re simply replacing one drug that gets you high with another drug that gets you high. This is...

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Legal Marijuana in Canada Raises Questions

  On October 17, 2018, Canada became the second country to legalize the drug marijuana for recreational use on a national level (Uruguay was the first). Many people are watching Canada to see whether this will affect the use and legislation of marijuana in the...

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Pharmaceutical Companies, Drugs, and Ethics

“First, do no harm.” That’s one of the tenets of the Hippocratic oath, an oath that some doctors follow in their professional lives. Do all people working in health-related professions follow this tenet? Based on the actions of pharmaceutical companies and the...

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Drug Abuse: Statistics and Reasons

It seems these kinds of blog posts often include a lot of statistics about drugs and drug abuse. But, given the enormity of these statistics, it’s important to discuss them. For example, from 1999 to 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported...

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Does Chu-Hi Represent the Future of Alcohol?

  Do you know what chu-hi or chuhai is? While it might not be well-known in the United States, chu-hi is a significant beverage in Japan and in the food world. Chu-hi is a Japanese liquor known as shochu. It is often mixed with soda water and various flavorings....

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Drug Use Is Increasing … And Decreasing

There is good news and bad news relating to drugs today. The bad news: drugs are killing more people than ever. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 72,000 U.S. residents died due to drug overdoses in 2017. This is about 10 percent...

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