Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Demi Lovato: Her Struggles and Her Triumphs

On July 24, 2018, singer and actress Demi Lovato was hospitalized after an apparent drug overdose. Whatever the cause of her hospitalization, Lovato deserves compassion, not condemnation. She appears to be the visible face of a problem shared by many. Lovato has been...

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Changing Attitudes about Marijuana

There have been many developments relating to marijuana laws in the last few years. There have been so many that it seems hard to keep track of all of them. For example, did you know that Texas politicians are considering decriminalizing marijuana in certain...

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Using Breathwork for Recovery

Just take a deep breath. Breathe in, breathe out. Give yourself a chance to breathe. We even stress the importance of focusing on our breathing while practicing meditation and yoga. We use so many breath-related phrases to make ourselves feel better and calm ourselves...

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How Do We Talk About Drug and Alcohol Abuse?

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Many of us have probably heard this quotation since childhood, but it doesn’t make it true. In fact, words can hurt quite a bit, and their impact can linger long after we hear them. Words can hurt us...

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Sober Coaches Aid in Recovery

Just as there are different addictions and different people who struggle with them, there are also different ways to treat these addictions. Some people stay at inpatient rehab facilities to treat their drug or alcohol abuse, while others attend outpatient programs....

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4th of July Cookout Ideas

For many, the Fourth of July brings fireworks, visits with friends and family, and outdoor activities. Sometimes, these outdoor activities include cookouts with food and drinks. Sometimes, these drinks include alcohol. This can make holiday-related cookouts a...

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Unlikely Partners Fight Opioid/Opiate Addiction

Addiction makes strange bedfellows. What does this mean? It means that some apparently unlikely people seem to agree with each other when it comes to drug addiction and recovery. Some of these partners are the artist Nan Goldin and the historian and feminist Elizabeth...

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Facts About Whippets

What are Whippets? Whippets refer to empty canisters of whipped cream that can be used to inhale nitrous oxide (i.e. laughing gas). Nitrous oxide is a colorless gas with a somewhat sweet odor that is used as a pain reliever, an anxiety-reducer, and an anesthetic....

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Depicting Life and Oxycodone Addiction

Often, drug addiction and alcohol abuse are dirty little secrets. People are often ashamed to admit that they have a problem with substance use disorder. People are often afraid that other people might stigmatize them or even discriminate against them because of their...

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Anthony Bourdain Suicide

Anthony Bourdain was the best of the best in many fields - from the kitchen to the media to books and more. He advocated for so much and brought a rise of excitement in everything he did. So, what happened? According to CNN, Anthony Bourdain was working in France on...

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