Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

The Places Most Affected by Opioid Epidemic Problems

You’ve read about it. You’ve seen it on television. Maybe you or a loved one has experienced it. It’s the opioid epidemic, a widespread addiction to opioid (opium-like) drugs. How widespread? Well, the places affected by opioid epidemic problems include many regions...

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Graduations Under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol?

Spring and summer are times of great change. They mark bittersweet ends as well as equally bittersweet beginnings. Many people experience such changes in the form of graduations from school. Graduations are happy times where we celebrate the successful completion of...

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Avicii’s Struggles With Substance Use Disorder

The world was shocked when EDM superstar Avicii was found dead in Muscat, Oman on April 20th, 2018. His music was immensely popular with the world and his work regularly charted on the Billboard 200. Yet, for all of his fame, his wealth and his popularity, he...

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Amphetamine vs. Methamphetamine – What’s the Difference?

Amphetamine and methampetamine (meth) are both drugs with similar names. Are they similar themselves? Well, yes … and no. Whether they’re the same or different, though, amphetamine and methamphetamine can both be abused and can both be dangerous. Chemically, both...

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Alcoholic Mood Swings and Other Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse

We all know people who drink alcohol to change their moods. We might have done this ourselves. People might drink because they’re depressed and feel that alcohol can boost their spirits (no pun intended), or they might be anxious and think that drinking can help calm...

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What is Cotton Fever

She came into the emergency department with a fever and pain in her head and abdomen. Track marks lined her arms from injecting heroin. Following a series of tests, doctors diagnosed her as having a collection of pus within her spine. She was given antibiotics and...

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Klonopin Vs Xanax

She is, arguably, one of the most famous female singer-songwriters of the 20th century. With an unmistakable voice and a highly successful career, she also had an addiction to Klonopin. Placed on the drug by a therapist to help her battle her addiction to...

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New Names for Drugs and Drug Use

Every day, we’re learning more about drugs, drug users, and addiction. This knowledge has helped assist people who have struggled with substance use disorder. It also seems like every day, we’re learning more terms for drugs, ways to use drugs, and the side effects of...

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Trump and the Opioid Crisis

Countless news stories discuss Donald Trump, the president of the United States. Many other stories discuss opioid abuse and addiction in the United States. Still other stories discuss both Trump and the opioid crisis. In short, we have a lot of information about...

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Recovery Jokes? A Sense of Humor and Laughter are Very Healing

A sense of humor has long been lauded as a positive approach to life, and we have all heard that laughter is the best medicine. But, are humor and laughter really good for us? And, can we rely on them to help us when we really need some help? The research says yes to...

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