Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

8 Physical Benefits of Sobriety

8 Physical Benefits of Sobriety Getting sober can help you in many ways.  It’s well known that drinking alcohol over time can take a toll on anyone.  It can affect mental and physical health, causing things like cirrhosis of the liver, accidents,...

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Opium vs. Weed – What’s the Difference?

Opium and marijuana are two very different substances. Opium is derived from the opium poppy plant and has been cultivated and in use, since around 3,400 B.C. Marijuana, or weed, comes from the Cannabis sativa plant and has been around for over 12,000 years....

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What Percentage Of Addicts Recover?

Addiction is presumably a disease that is running rampant in America and other countries.  From alcohol to prescription pain pills to heroin, addiction is causing individuals and families a great deal of undue stress and misery. One question that you hear...

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12 Step Vs. Non 12 Step

Why the Steps Work For Some and Not For Others If you're familiar with recovery, you've probably heard of 12 Step Programs, which are essentially programs that embrace the 12 Step philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA). AA has...

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How to Confront an Addicted Loved One

It’s the elephant in the room. You might know that your loved one is struggling with drug addiction or alcohol abuse and see that this substance use disorder is hurting him or her. But, as much as this person is struggling, you don’t know how to talk with the person....

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How to have a Sober Cinco de Mayo

How to have a Sober Cinco de Mayo Cinco de Mayo is coming up fast and with that, staying sober on and around this holiday is extremely important to those in recovery. If you're recovering from an alcohol addiction, you know that Cinco de Mayo is one of those...

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7 Tips On How To Talk To Your Teen About Drugs And Alcohol

It’s not surprising to hear that the teen population using alcohol and drugs is pretty high. Even teens as young as 13 are beginning to drink or try certain drugs due to peer pressure. Of course, parents certainly don’t want their children to fall into alcohol or drug...

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What is Wet Brain?

What Is Wet Brain? There’s no doubt that moderate to heavy drinking over time makes a negative impact on physical and mental health. Medical experts state that plenty of patients that drink heavily year after year end up suffering from things like chronic...

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Reversing the Damage of Alcoholism

Health experts have long been advising people to steer clear from drinking alcohol because moderate to heavy drinking over time can negatively affect the body. You’ve probably heard of the main health concerns, like cirrhosis of the liver or elevated blood pressure,...

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Overcoming the Stigma of Addiction

It’s a sad reality. People treat other people differently – and discriminate against them – for a variety of reasons. People might view and treat other people as less than because their looks, their life partners, their educations and jobs, their political leanings,...

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