Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

The Top 8 Signs Someone Has A Drinking Problem

With alcohol abuse and alcoholism being so prevalent in the world today, chances are you know someone who's struggling with an alcohol problem. However, it's not always easy to know the signs someone has a drinking problem. Maybe you have a family member, friend, or...

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Stress and EMS Responders

Stress, Addiction, and EMS Responders First responders such as EMS (emergency medical services) responders, police officers, and firefighters swear oaths to protect the public from danger. But what happens when they need help themselves? What happens when they might...

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Supporting Your Addicted Partner Without Enabling Them

When you have a loved one who is struggling with alcoholism or addiction, you want to be there for them. You may not exactly know how, but you want to be there for them in a way that is supportive, yet not enabling. Whether your loved one has been struggling for just...

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How To Help An Addict Who Doesn’t Want Help

How to help an addict who doesn’t want help is one of the most frustrating struggles you can ever have. Addiction firmly entrenches itself in a person’s life, affecting thoughts, feelings, beliefs, behavior, and perceptions. It can be overwhelming, if not...

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Does Alcoholism Run in Families?

Does Alcoholism Run in Families? Chances are you’ve wondered, “Does alcoholism run in families?” at some point in your life. If you or a loved one is dealing with alcoholism, you may wonder if it’s because a family member struggled before. Or, you may have a parent...

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Inspiring Substance Use Disorder Quotes to Help Your Recovery

April 1, 2018 is (or was, depending on when people read this) Easter Sunday, a very holy day for many Christians, whose faith teaches them that Jesus Christ rose from the dead at that time. Easter is all about new beginnings and renewal, but we don’t have to be...

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The 4 Stages of Alcoholism

We've all heard the stereotype of the alcoholic living in a run-down trailer with only a case of beer in their fridge. But what about the functioning alcoholics who live in a decent home, get up and go to work every day, raise a family, and maybe even have...

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How Does Alcoholism Affect The Family?

If you think alcoholism only affects the person abusing alcohol - think again. Alcoholism affects the entire family in more ways than most think. In addition, alcoholism can affect the alcoholic's colleagues, employer, and friends. Alcoholism slips into every aspect...

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How to Get Someone to Stop Drinking

Figuring out how to get someone to stop drinking is not as easy as some make it out to be. If you’ve got a friend or family member that you’re concerned about when it comes to drinking, chances are you want them to stop, but you’re just not sure how to approach the...

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Heroin vs. Fentanyl and the Danger of Unknown Drugs

When we think of the dangers of drug addiction, we don’t have to look too far to find real-life examples. Some of these examples are famous. Sadly, they seem to serve as cautionary tales of the dangers of heroin, fentanyl, and other drugs. For example, in November,...

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