Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

The Great and Dangerous Unknowns of Heroin and Other Drugs

What you don’t know about drugs and alcohol can hurt you. Sad to say, the manufacturers and dealers often look for ways to make their products more attractive to buyers. After all, they’re not in business out of the goodness of their hearts. They’re in it to make...

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Opioid Epidemic Still Not Declared an Emergency

It’s a wise man who thinks things over, but it’s a fool who hesitates. – Proverb On Oct. 15, 2016, President Donald J. Trump released a campaign press release on the opioid epidemic, particularly the prescription pills such as Oxycodone and hydrocodone plaguing New...

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Marijuana Legalization Debates

Interesting battles have been occurring for some time, and it doesn’t look like they’re ending anytime soon. The battles? People who advocate the legalization or decriminalization of drugs and people who want to punish drug use, possession, and distribution. Perhaps...

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Toluene and Inhalant Abuse in the Young

Older teenagers and adults aren’t the only people who struggle with substance use disorder. Young teenagers and preteenagers (preteens) also abuse substances. Monitoring the Future (MTF) is an annual survey that includes information about drug, alcohol, and tobacco...

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Helping Others Live Sober through Service

How To Help Others Become Sober From Native American sobriety circles though Keeley’s Gold Cure and Alcoholics Anonymous, it’s evident that addicts and substance use disorderrs do better when at least some of the people helping them have personal experience...

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The Problem of Pain Fuels Substance Use Disorder

If you had a magic wand that take away pain, but didn’t use it when someone was in pain, wouldn’t you use it? That may be how the current opioid epidemic started. Physicians were told by pharmaceutical companies that their new opioids were magic: they took away pain...

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Fixing Substance Use Disorder Priorities

You can find “facts” to fit your desired outcomes, and choose to disregard other information that, in Al Gore’s parlance, are “inconvenient truths.” We’re all guilty of this to one extent or another. It’s called the backfire effect, conformation bias and a few...

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Drug Courts Can Fight Addiction

If the police find that you’re carrying drugs such as cocaine or heroin, they’ll arrest you, send you to court, and you’ll end up in jail or prison, right? Not necessarily. In fact, authorities might send you to a special court called a drug court. Drug courts are...

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