Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Canadian Alcohol and Drug Abuse

What do many U.S. residents think of when they hear the words Canada and Canadian? Polite people? Low crime rates? Nationally funded health care? Hockey? Beer? The truth is, Canada is a huge country with a diverse population. It’s impossible to reduce such a complex...

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Misconceptions about Drugs and Drug Abuse

Different place, same sad story. The USA Today-affiliated Tennessean. site recently posted a number of stories about opioid abuse in the state of Tennessee. One story reports that Tennessee has more opioid prescriptions per person than any other state in the United...

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The FDA vs. the Opioid/Opiate Epidemic

At least once a week, and that’s a conservative estimate, we hear stories about opioid/opiate abuse in the United States and around the world. In 2014, the World Health Organization reported that opioid overdoses kill about 69,000 people globally every year. Sadly,...

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Opiate/Opioid Inhibitors Save Lives

Opioid abuse and addiction is so widespread, we’re seeing the repercussions of such problems in many parts of society. One of these parts is the education system. Schools in the state of Michigan and other U.S. states now have opioid/opiate inhibitors available. As...

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Alcohol and Drugs on Campus

In August and September, many students start school. This is an exciting time of new beginnings, new experiences, and new hope. It can also be a dangerous time. Some students might engage in dangerous behavior such as binge drinking and experimentation with drugs and...

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Can Marijuana Help Fight Opiate/Opioid Abuse?

It seems like every day, we hear or read something about the opiate/opioid epidemic in the United States. After hearing the statistics, it’s really not surprising. According to estimates, in 2015, around two million Americans were addicted to prescription pain...

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