Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Did Lil Wayne Abuse Codeine and Lean?

In early September 2017, rapper Lil Wayne was hospitalized after he suffered two seizures and fell unconscious in a hotel room in Chicago. He was released a few days later. This hasn’t been the first time Lil Wayne experienced seizures and has been hospitalized. He...

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September 11, PTSD, and Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Today marks the sixteenth anniversary of September 11, 2001, a date when terrorists hijacked two planes and crashed them into New York City’s World Trade Center and another plane into Washington, DC’s Pentagon. Terrorists hijacked another plane bound for the...

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Drug and Alcohol Abuse Relapses in Recovery

All week, we’ve been talking about the work needed to maintain sobriety and to help fix or prevent relapses. For many people in sobriety, relapse is a dirty word. Maybe that’s why many people don’t seem to want to discuss it. But as with other problems, discussing...

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There Are No Vacations from Recovery

In yesterday’s blog post, we discussed work, recovery, and Labor Day. So, it only seems fitting that we should talk about the opposite of work for today’s post. We should talk about vacations. Of course, just because people take time from work to go on vacations...

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Ongoing Recovery Requires Ongoing Work

Today, Monday, September 4, 2017, is Labor Day in the United States and Canada, a holiday when we celebrate workers of the past and the present. Funnily enough, to commemorate this celebration of labor, many workplaces shut down and give their employees a vacation...

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Worse Substance Use Disorder Problems than Marijuana

We’re in the midst of an opioid epidemic, with insufficient funds and treatment facilities for the addicted to seek help. The president has declared it a national emergency. So naturally it’s time to crackdown on marijuana. At least that seems to be the intent of...

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How to Prevent Deadly Drug Interactions

Dangerous drugs are not just drugs you might buy in the street or at a club, like heroin or MDMA (ecstasy). Today, far more people could face drug problems because of drugs they can find in their medicine cabinets. These drugs are prescription drugs and...

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