Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Black Market Drug Problems

Black market drugs. Even the words sound mysterious. But this mystery can contain a substantial amount of danger, a danger that can kill. Although their name sounds exotic, black market drugs are anything but. The name just means normal distribution channels don’t...

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Diet Pill Warnings

Yes, this is another blog post post about a specific drug or category of drugs, but there’s just so much to learn about drugs and drug addiction. We’re also learning more and more about both every day, so I’m not sure the learning will ever stop. Today’s drug is the...

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Is Shoplifting Similar to Drug Addiction?

In October, the streaming service Netflix will offer new episodes of its hit series Stranger Things. The show’s biggest star is Winona Ryder. Funnily enough, she plays a mother in the series, while a few decades ago, there’s a good chance Ryder would’ve played one of...

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Lowering Levels of the Drug Nicotine

Although we often write about negative developments regarding drug and alcohol abuse, today, we’re excited to report about something. This development? The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is working to lower the nicotine content of cigarettes. The FDA is...

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One Reason Why Prescription Drugs Cost So Much

(Pixabay) There’s a new obstacle to lowering drug prices: the pharmaceutical companies have shot each other in the foot in a circular firing squad. Specifically it’s about biotechnology drugs, called biopharmaceuticals or biologics, such as vaccines and cancer drugs,...

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Alcohol Use Disorder Also Needs Substance Use Disorder Treatment

(Pixabay) Prescription pill addiction – primarily the opioids such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, fentanyl – is not the only substance use disorder that’s on the rise. So is alcohol, the often forgotten “drug” that tops all other categories when it is counted. Opioids...

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Stigmas Surrounding Drug Abuse Still Exist

Recently, we discussed how the opioid epidemic is producing some unexpected results. Namely, we discussed how more and more people dying of drug overdoses are serving as organ donors. Maybe these donations can help eliminate some of the stigma surrounding drug...

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