Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Inhalant Use Can Be Deadly

As bad as drug and alcohol abuse are, we don’t have to talk with students about it until they’re in high school or maybe late middle school, right? Sadly, this statement isn’t true. In fact, large numbers of young children abuse drugs and alcohol and pay the...

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Drug Addiction Can Cause Homelessness

As you probably know, drug addiction isn't just one problem, it's many. Abusing drugs often leads to many problems both for abusers and others in their lives. After all, if drug abusers spend all their time locating and using drugs, there's a good chance that they're...

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Overcoming the Obstacles of Drug and Alcohol Abuse

It’s Wednesday! You know what that means—it’s hump day! That means for many people, it’s the middle of the five-day workweek. Once the workday on Wednesday ends, we’ve gotten past the hump of the workweek and are more quickly approaching the weekend of Friday,...

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Do Your Research before Entering Treatment

Rehab is rehab, right? Not necessarily. As with other things in life, it pays to research rehab centers and programs before you or a loved one attends one. This is especially true if you’re traveling to receive treatment for drug or alcohol abuse. We hear more and...

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Drug Addiction Is Not a Choice

“Drug addicts are drug addicts and alcoholics are alcoholics because of the choices they make. They’ve created sad situations, to be sure, but the situations exist solely because of choices they’ve made, choices that have hurt them.” You sometimes hear people make...

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Is Substance Use Disorder a Disease?

(Image from Pixabay) Does what you call something affect how you perceive or treat it? Almost certainly. Politicians and activists have long known this. In George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, the language Newspeak is designed to limit thought, and government...

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Advocating Treatment, Not Punishment

In the war against drug addiction, a growing number of people are advocating treatment instead of punishment. One of the latest is Michigan attorney general Bill Schuette. According to Schuette, drug overdoses killed 1,981 Michigan residents in 2015, more than twice...

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