Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Independence from Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Happy Independence Day! Happy Fourth of July! For readers outside of the United States, July fourth marks the anniversary of the founding of the United States. It is the anniversary of the date in 1776 when people signed the Declaration of Independence, a document...

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Drug and Alcohol Abuse Isn’t Always Visible

Tomorrow, readers in the United States will be celebrating Independence Day (the Fourth of July), a day commemorating the independence of the United States from Great Britain in 1776. Many people ignite fireworks to celebrate Independence Day. Seeing the lights and...

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People Helping People and Avoiding Substance Use Disorder

The streaming service Netflix offers an intriguing and popular series, Grace and Frankie. The show follows the exploits of two California women, Grace (played by Jane Fonda) and Frankie (portrayed by Lily Tomlin) after their husbands leave to marry each other....

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Serenity, Not Substance Use Disorder

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.” Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other similar 12-step rehab programs use part of this prayer and include it in their literature. This...

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Treatment and Recovery Keep Giving

It’s about six months until (or after) Christmas, depending on the way you look at it. Maybe now’s a good time to talk about the gifts that keep giving. These gifts aren't something material, yet they can be much harder to attain and keep. They can also be more...

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The Pope’s Surprising Words about Drug Addiction

You know that something is bad when the pope comments on it: “Drugs have inflicted a deep wound on our society and ensnared many people in their web. Many victims have lost their freedom … enslaved by an addiction we could call ‘chemical.’” Pope Francis spoke these...

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