Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Henrietta Lacks and 12-Step Programs: Unsung but Effective

Recently, Oprah Winfrey lent her star power to a made-for-cable-television adaptation of the book The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Winfrey plays Deborah Lacks Pullum, the daughter of Henrietta Lacks. Henrietta was an African American woman who died of cancer in...

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Opiate/Opioid Abuse and Memory Loss

You probably know that the United States and other areas of the world are in the midst of a huge opiate epidemic. You might be surprised that the abuse of such drugs can have other effects. An opiate/opioid is a type of drug that can produce strong effects on the...

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Social Work and Substance Use Disorder: How Does It Help?

When you think of a social worker, you're often thinking of a therapist—and with substance use disorder, there are are social workers who address addiction specifically. Especially for young people in addiction, a social worker can really turn a young person's life...

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Prince, Fentanyl, and Opioids: One Year Later

Tomorrow marks the one-year anniversary of the death of singer, songwriter, and musician Prince. In some ways, it seems like only yesterday, yet in others, it seems like so long ago. Prince died from an accidental overdose of the prescription painkilling drug...

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Substance Use Disorder: A Complex Topic in Many Ways

Drugs and alcohol are complicated substances. How we think about them is also complicated. How complicated? Many of us have different, seemingly contradictory opinions about drugs and alcohol or opinions that change over time. Prominent people often hold these...

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Regulating and Taxing Marijuana

There are a lot of interesting stories related to the legalization of marijuana. Some of the interesting stories relate to the legislative and financial aspects of such legalization. Several U.S. states have legalized marijuana for medical purposes. Residents in a...

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What Really Happens During Detox?

There are different side effects for different drugs. While some symptoms are easier to handle while improving the body and healing long-term drug use, other symptoms can be deadly. When you go to rehab, you'll likely be eased off your drug of choice with...

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