Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

How Do You Recover Your Finances After Alcohol Addiction?

For many who have lived in addiction, it's quite common to behave recklessly, to overspend, to do things you normally wouldn't do sober. Some may find at the opposite end of addiction that their bank account has been drained. They might feel as if another person has...

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Turning Substance Use Disorder into a Sugar Addiction

Yup, that's right. Many people can become addicted to sugar, and it can happen AFTER you've stopped drinking or using drugs. Yes, sugar can be addictive, and if you already have a predilection to using drugs or alcohol, it can turn into a substitute for what you...

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Why We Need to Research Marijuana and Other Drugs

Yesterday, we discussed the implications of using marijuana as medicine. Many people have provided stories about how using marijuana eased their chronic pain, nausea, anxiety, and other conditions. These developments are fascinating, especially since marijuana might...

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Marijuana: Gateway Drug or Useful Medicine—or Both?

Is marijuana a gateway drug? It’s 2017, and that’s the question many people are still asking. Many people have long believed that marijuana use will lead to the use of other, stronger drugs. According to this theory, using marijuana creates a gateway to using drugs...

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Cheap Detox Products Can Be Costly

The Internet can be a wonderful source of information, a great tool for allowing people to keep in contact with each other, and even a way for people to meet new people. Of course, we all know that the Internet has its downsides. It can be a source for misinformation....

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The Costs of Alcohol

Quick, after tobacco, what’s the most-abused substance in the United States? Is it heroin? Is it marijuana? Is it methamphetamine? Although those are all good guesses, alcohol is the second-most abused substance in the United States, according to government reports....

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