Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Getting Away from Addiction Enablers

You usually don't realize when someone is enabling your addiction. They've got your best interests at heart, after all. Right? But when you see someone who is giving an addict money with a blind eye, you might think that they don't really understand what they are...

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Staying in the Game with Recovery and Treatment

You want to quit. It's too hard, you think. There's no way that I am going to recover. I've failed so many times that it's time to give up. I'll just keep failing. Well, recovery is possible for anyone and everyone, no matter the degree of your addiction. Everyone...

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Oh, Canada! The Great White North Wants to Legalize Marijuana

If pro-marijuana forces get their way, they’ll change the giant red maple leaf on the Canadian flag to a giant marijuana leaf. That seems to be the fear of some anti-marijuana people. During the 2015 election campaign, Justin Trudeau and the Canadian Liberal Party...

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Ignorance Is Not Bliss with Drug Use

“Ignorance is bliss.” “What you don’t know can’t hurt you.” These statements might apply if you don’t know whether you really look good in your favorite outfit. When it comes to looks, it’s more important how you feel than what others might think. These statements...

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Are Technology Addictions as Real as Substance Use Disorder?

Can you be addicted to technology? Some people think so. Although the idea of addictions to technology might sound far-fetched at first, in reality, this disorder resembles other compulsive behaviors that are sometimes considered addictions. People might be addicted...

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