Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Substance Use Disorder, Lumberjacks, and Other Jobs

“I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay,” sang a lumberjack in a famous song from the television program Monty Python’s Flying Circus, a song later repeated in movies and stage productions. The truth is, all lumberjacks aren’t okay. Many struggle with alcohol and drug abuse....

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Beware the Ides of March (and Drug and Alcohol Abuse)

Beware of the Ides of March. This is the warning that a fortune teller supposedly gave Roman leader Julius Caesar in 44 B.C., a warning that something bad was going to occur on March 15th. Caesar didn’t heed this warning and Brutus and others killed him on that date....

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Doctors Can Prevent Opiate Addiction

Did you know that your chances of developing an opiate or opioid addiction might depend partly on the doctor you see? According to physicians Michael Barnett and Anupam B. Jena, the behaviors of physicians might lead to such consequences for their patients. In an...

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Positive Self-Esteem and Why it Helps with Drug Abuse

What Is Positive Self-Esteem? Everyone has a “self-image” that follows them around in their head. It refers to the way that you see yourself—whether you believe that you are accomplished and successful, or a failure. It refers to whether you think you are attractive...

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When Your Thoughts Are Distorted in Rehab, What Can You Do?

As defined in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, there's plenty of ways that you can confront your negative thought patterns. Many addicts 'treat' their underlying mental health issues with substances. They might not realize that there's a mental illness underneath...

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Reach Out for Help With Alcohol Abuse When You Need It

Why is sponsorship so important in recovery? What happens if you don't have friends in recovery? Many people credit their success in recovery to the friends that are there for them and the people who provide them with emotional support throughout their recovery from...

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Tobacco and Alcohol Were Not Just Popular in the Mad Men Era

The Mad Men era is dead. Long live the Mad Men era. But is it really dead? Many commentators observed that the television program Mad Men celebrated a bygone era, where the women had big hair and few opportunities. They also noted the prevalence of alcohol and...

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Drug and Alcohol Abuse and the Law

We recently discussed how members of the medical profession sometimes use alcohol and drugs to treat the stress of their jobs as well as treat depression, anxiety, and other conditions. This tactic could backfire, however, creating even more stress and other...

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Doctors, Drugs, and Alcohol

Just because doctors are doctors doesn’t mean that they live the healthiest of lifestyles. Just because lawyers are lawyers doesn’t mean that they will live according to the dictates of the law. Drug addiction and alcohol abuse can lead to health and legal problems...

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