Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Alcohol and Drugs Do Not Soothe Anger

Anger. It’s an emotion that might be a dirty little secret. Or, if we’ve had incidents and anger management issues, maybe not such a little secret. It’s a tricky emotion, because anger often seems to be disguised as other emotions. If people are jealous or insecure,...

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How Long Does Withdrawal from Alcohol Last?

Did you know that alcohol is the most dangerous drug to detoxify from? Yup—it's true. And it's kind of funny that alcohol is not considered a drug, yet it is the only 'drug' that is socially acceptable to use, even if it can be a dangerous and addictive substance. And...

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When Significant Others Don’t Help with Alcohol Rehab

Wen an addict's friends or family contribute to continuation of an addiction, either intentionally or otherwise, is known as dependency, or enabling. The addict might have a partner who also uses. They might also have a grandparent who gives them money. Or the addict...

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How to Recover from Guilt in Addiction Rehab

When you're actively addicted, often, you may not be very well-behaved. When you're deep into addictive habits, there's always a chance that you might be tempted to steal from friends and family for drugs, get involved in criminal activity in order to get money for...

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Using Exercise for Rehab Treatment

We hear about the importance of exercise all of the time. But some things bear repeating. Exercise provides so many benefits. For people recovering from alcohol or drug abuse, exercise can strengthen areas weakened by substance use disorder, including the heart...

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Finding Strength in Recovery

“In like a lion and out like a lamb.” That’s how we often describe the month of March. Weather-wise, the phrase is appropriate. In the beginning of the month, we’re often still facing fierce winter weather. By the end of the month, the weather is often milder, or at...

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Not Taking Alcohol and Drugs to Heart

Today’s the last day of February, which also means that it’s the last day of National Heart Month or American Heart Month. What does that have to do with this blog? Quite a lot, actually. Did you know that alcohol and drugs can do severe damage to the heart and...

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Teen Rehab Can Treat Young People

Addiction Rehab For Teens In Texas Many schools have winter or spring breaks this time of year. For many people, such vacations are synonymous with heavy partying, including heavy drug and alcohol consumption. It seems like every year, we hear about the consequences...

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Going Cold Turkey from Alcohol and Why it Hurts

“Cold Turkey has got me on the run,” sings John Lennon. As he was recovering from heroin abuse, Lennon sang about the cold sweats, high temperatures, that he wishes he was a baby, that he wishes he was dead. What he describes as “thirty six hours of pain” is a pretty...

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Staying Inspired in Recovery

When you first enter a life of sobriety, it's common to feel as though you are on a cloud. Actually, this is known as the pink cloud effect—the feeling that all is well, that sobriety allows you to live on a perfect cloud of contentment. But what do you do when the...

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