Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Street Drugs Can Mimic Psychiatric Medication

It's strange how the human body works—we will always attempt to protect ourselves. Self-medication is a form of that protection, but it happens without the person really knowing what they are doing to themselves. Subconsciously, you latch onto the substance that...

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Perspectives about Substance Use Disorder

Thank heavens February is the shortest month, right? Between the cold weather, snow, short days, and sappiness of Valentine’s Day, twenty-eight or twenty-nine days is about all I can stand. Actually, though, the more I think about it, February could be worse. We’re...

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Mary Tyler Moore: A Courageous Advocate for Alcohol Treatment

After we lost so many notable people in 2016, it looks as if 2017 might be no better. That’s because actress and producer Mary Tyler Moore died last week at the age of eighty. Many of us know Moore for acting in the sitcoms The Dick Van Dyke Show and The Mary Tyler...

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Is Super Bowl Betting Similar to a Drug Addiction?

Next Sunday is the Super Bowl, the championship game of the professional National Football League (NFL) in the United States. As you probably know, the Super Bowl is much more than a football game. Its television broadcast is known for its commercials, its halftime...

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Making A Career Out of Recovery from Substance Use Disorder

It's no small phenomena that many people in recovery often choose to become a bigger part of the picture—they want to hold onto the support they've been given. Compassion for others fosters greater self-worth, which in turn improves mental health, and contributes to...

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Philippines Drug War: When Will It End?

It's certainly not making big headlines these days, but the Philippines drug war is still very much happening, and the results are devastating. It all began when the current president, Rodrigo Roa Duterte, known for his no-tolerance policies against criminals, issued...

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Education and Drug Abuse: Are the Two Connected?

Maybe you associate 'education and drug abuse' with the idea of college frat parties. But depending on where you're from and who you are, your risk for drug abuse might be associated with the way you learn. It seems that education levels and drug abuse are in some way...

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Substance Use Disorder: An Equal Opportunity Disorder

Tomorrow, January 27th, marks the birthday of the famous composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Although his music is more than 200 years old, it’s still lively and relatable. That’s no small feat. We complain that different generations of rock music are hard to hear. We...

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