Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Alcohol Abuse, Drug Addiction, and Anticipation

Oooh, it’s eleven months until Christmas! Doesn’t that sound ludicrous? I wonder if some marketer or retail person is thinking that, looking for a way to make the long holiday buying season start even earlier and last even longer. If people aren’t anticipating the...

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Paying Compliments Can Assist in Treatment

You know how we often talk about those wacky national holidays? You know, how we sometimes discuss how it’s National Talk to Squirrels and Other Woodland Creatures Day, and stuff like that? Today’s actually a pretty good one. Today is National Compliment Day. Paying...

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Adderall and Concerta Addiction

Many students are taking midterms and exams now, or they will be taking them shortly. Instead of studying or cramming in the normal ways, some students unfortunately turn to substances that they will think will help them study. These substances include Adderall,...

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Alcohol Makes You Fat: A Diet Story, Part 2

We left off the last blog post ready to start talking about how alcohol destructs your looks. If that sounds harsh, perhaps consider this—that just three, 200-calorie beverages tallies up to 600 calories. And it's so easy to pile those on. And as we mentioned before,...

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Alcohol Makes You Fat: A Diet Story, Part 1

Are you on the Alcohol Diet? Do you drink on a regular basis? If so, are you also mindful of your weight, and the amount of exercise you get? Do you consider yourself fit and healthy? If so—does drinking seem to make it harder to lose weight? Are you able to develop...

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Myths about Detox and Rehab

There are many people who abuse alcohol and drugs in this country. Many deny that they’re having problems with the substances. Others may know that they have problems, but are afraid to seek treatment. When many people think about rehab, they don’t think happy...

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Good News about Opiates

Here’s some good news for the new year. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is cutting the production of opioids, a class of drugs also known as opiates. Opioids/opiates are powerful drugs that are related to opium, hence their name. Most opioids are medications...

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The Dangers of Abusing Steroids

Did you ever watch those documentaries about steroid abuse? I’m not sure if I had to watch them in school or I saw them afterward, but they were always scary. If you somehow escaped these documentaries, steroid abuse is not rare, unfortunately. People sometimes use...

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Using Therapy to Treat a Dual Diagnosis

Did you ever read the novel One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest or see the famous movie based on the book? Even if you haven’t read it or seen it, you probably know that they depict how medical professionals and the psychiatric hospital system treat hospital patients in a...

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