Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

How Do Triggers in Substance Use Disorder Work?

A specific location, such as a local bar you frequented as a drinker, might compel you to pick up the bottle again. But triggers can be controlled, because after all, triggers are going to unexpectedly present themselves at any random time, so a strategy must be...

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How Do You Manage Money When Recovering From Addiction?

When you become addicted to drugs or alcohol, you probably don't care very much about your finances. If you can afford it, you likely spend blindly, purchasing substances until you have no money left. That's how many homeless addicts stay homeless—the mentality is not...

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How to Battle Substance Use Disorder and the Winter Blues

I don’t know about you, but this time of the year can be rough. Around here, it’s cold and we have to shovel snow. We don’t get a lot of sunshine, and what little daylight we receive is typically gone by 5:30 in the evening. Winter, in short, can be brutal. I’m not...

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Human Trafficking Can Lead to Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Unlike the lighthearted days we often discuss in this blog, today’s commemoration is quite different. That’s because today, January 11th, is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Human trafficking involves exploiting people, forcing people to do things against...

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Talking to Teens about Alcohol

Yesterday’s blog post discussed how teens and young people can struggle with alcohol abuse and drug addiction. It also included some resources for people in that age group and their parents. One of the sites is for the U.S. Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health...

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When Teens Struggle with Drug Addiction and Alcohol Abuse

How To Help A Teen Struggling With Addiction A lot of schools in he United States are opening again after an extended holiday break. But some students aren’t returning to class. That’s because these teens are struggling with alcohol abuse and drug addiction. For many...

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Substance Use Disorder Prevention Can Begin in Pediatrics

Adults struggling with drug addiction today grew up in a markedly different landscape of drug and alcohol products. Today, we have a multilayered selection of many varying drug products to choose from—and it seems there's a new drug to choose from every week. Teens...

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Carrie Fisher Shared All She Could – Her Drug Abuse, Too

"You know how they say that religion is the opiate of the masses? Well, I took masses of opiates religiously." Those are the words of the witty, inimitable Carrie Fisher, who passed away on December 27th, after a massive heart attack. You can't count many people don't...

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