Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Epiphanies Could Lead to Treatment

For Christians, tomorrow, January 6, marks Epiphany, also known as the Feast of the Epiphany and other names. According to some religious teachings, it’s the day that the three wise men or kings arrived to meet Jesus. The word epiphany can mean manifestation, a term...

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For People in Recovery, Hobbies Aren’t Trivial

Another day, another blog post relating to another day on the calendar. Today's day is a fun one. Today, January 4th, is National Trivia Day. Do you like games that require you answer questions on a number of subjects, like the TV game show Jeopardy! and board games...

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Family: Nature and Nurture, Alcohol Abuse and Drug Addiction

Today, January 3rd, would’ve been my grandfather’s birthday. Not surprisingly, these kinds of commemorations always make me think about families and the importance of family. Families are related to alcohol abuse and drug addiction in many complex ways, ways we’re not...

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Carrie Fisher: More Than an Actress, Writer, or Dual Diagnosis

No, not Princess Leia! That’s the reaction many of us had when we learned that Carrie Fisher had died. More than an actress, more than a writer, Fisher’s portrayal of Princess Leia was a huge part of the Star Wars world, a phenomenon that touched generations of fans...

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Resolving and Recovery

This is the time of year when many people resolve to do some things and not do other things. New Year’s resolutions can be a big deal. We hear different people making different resolutions for the upcoming year, including our friends and neighbors, relatives, and even...

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How to Stay Away from Alcohol During New Year’s Eve

...5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy New Year! Where are you on New Year's Eve? Usually at a party? At home? Are you drinking, or are you having an alcohol-free night? For many, not drinking on New Year's Eve seems strange. The new year is a time of celebration of the past year...

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Bullying Has an Impact on Substance Use Disorder

We've heard more and more about cyber-bullying over the past few years. PTSD is a common precursor to substance use disorder. When a traumatic event plays through your mind on repeat, it can make sense to attempt to quash those fears with substances in any way...

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Fentanyl, Prescription Drugs, and Marijuana: 2016 in Drugs

Can you believe that we only have a few more days left of 2016? I can’t. 2016 has been quite a year. No matter where you stand politically, you’d probably agree that this year’s presidential election was a wild ride, to say the least. 2016 also had many stories...

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Fruitcake, Drug Addiction, and Reputations

Today’s National Fruitcake Day. I didn’t know that there was such a day. Did you? Fruitcake has a bad reputation. We’ve all heard the jokes about it, how heavy it can be and how people give it to others, although not too many people seem to like it. I’m one of those...

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