Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Giving the Gift of Recovery

Today is St. Nicholas Day, or the Feast of St. Nicholas. This is a popular holiday in Europe. During this holiday, children set out stockings and shoes on the evening of December 5 in the hopes that St. Nicholas will leave candy, gifts, and other fun things for them....

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The Dangers of Combining Alcohol and Driving

Did you know what this month is? Yeah, it’s December. Very funny. But it’s also something else: National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. Once known as National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month, this designation makes sense. December is a busy time. A lot...

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How Does Sugar and Alcohol Abuse Get Along?

Oh, sugar. You can hardly go a few steps in a grocery store without encountering some kind of processed food laden with sugar. And the tricky part is, sugar is hardly an explicit category anymore. It goes by the names of high fructose corn syrup, agave nectar,...

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Nutrition and Alcohol Abuse: How Important is It, Anyway?

Many addicts find that in recovery, they turn to other substances. The alcoholic is known to guzzle coffee after getting through recovery. It's a staple item at Alcohol Anonymous meetings. But the stereotype of the alcoholic who eats pounds of sugar when beginning...

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Beginnings and Recovery

Today’s the first of the month, so we might as well talk about new beginnings. Since this is a site about addiction and recovery, we’re all about beginnings around here. After all, so many people think that drug addiction and alcohol abuse are endings. It’s true that...

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Time and Rehab

Can you believe that today is the last day of November? It seems like we just started 2016, not that we’re going to end the year in about a month. Talk about months, days, and years is also common in treatment and recovery circles. If you belong to 12 step...

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Forgiveness, Alcohol, and Drugs

This post doesn’t discuss a holiday, a specific day, or anything related to a time or occasion. It does, however, address a big part of substance use disorder: forgiveness. As you probably know, 12 step programs require participants to go through a series of steps....

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Is Compulsive Shopping Like Substance Use Disorder?

Today, the Monday after Thanksgiving Day in the United States is becoming known as Cyber Monday. That’s because many people use the Internet to shop for holiday presents on this day. Since this is a blog that discusses substance use disorder and addiction, Cyber...

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Eating Disorders and Dual Diagnosis

A few days ago, the United States celebrated Thanksgiving. I know my family, friends, and I celebrated Thanksgiving. We usually treat the holiday as an opportunity to eat A LOT. Is this healthy? Probably not, but I know that we weren’t alone. For some people, all this...

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