Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Thankfulness and Recovery

Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States. It’s a time to be thankful for all the good in our lives. (It’s also a time for me to eat my body weight in stuffing/dressing, but we can discuss that in another post.) For some people, holidays can be painful. They...

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Food, Eating, Holidays, and Diet Pills

Since this is Thanksgiving week in the United States, we’ve been hearing a lot about food lately. A lot of holidays seem to center around food and eating. For most people, this focus on food isn’t a problem. They might eat too much, complain about it, and go on...

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Alcohol, Marijuana, and the Law

The title of this post sounds like a bad made-for-television movie from the 1970s, but it’s based on some fascinating developments in the news. On Election Day (November 8, 2016), Massachusetts voters went to the polls to help elect a new U.S. president and vote for...

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D.A.R.E and Preventing Addiction: Does it Really Work?

Just a day ago, Surgeon General Murthy spoke about the need for providing evidence-based strategies to treat the overwhelming issue of substance use disorder that has a chokehold on the country. That would mean better education for children, with learning how to cope...

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Discussing Marijuana, Other Drugs, and Addiction

So, it’s about a week and a half after many elections in the United States. The U.S. elected a new president, and many states elected governors, senators, Congresspeople, and other officeholders, not to mention all the people who won more local races. Many areas of...

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