Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

The Dangers of Morphine and More

Maybe I’m showing my age, but whenever we used to talk about needing pain medications, we would often talk about morphine. There were other drugs, then, of course, but morphine was the one that stuck in our minds. Now, there are so many more drugs out there. Many of...

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Alcohol, Drugs, and Hobbies

Today, November 15th, marks the start of hunting season with firearms around here. I don’t hunt myself, so it’s not really a big day for me, but I know many hunters who are excited. It’s not that I think hunting is barbaric or anything. For one, I’m not a vegetarian...

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Medical Marijuana, Opioids, and Insurance

It’s open enrollment time again. That means U.S. health insurance companies are enrolling people in their plans. Maybe I’ve been writing this blog too long, but I wonder if any of those insurance plans cover the cost of medical marijuana. If so, I’d consider using...

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Dealing With Stigma, Substance Use Disorder and Prejudice

When you hear the word "addict," what pops into mind? Is it a crack addict, cowering in the street? Is it a heroin addict, shooting up? Or is it an angry alcoholic? Is the addict male? Are they out of money, and has their family abandoned them? Are they old or young?...

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A War on Drugs, Not a Drug User

We’ve been talking a lot lately about the war on drugs. People commonly use this phrase to discuss the U.S. government’s efforts to fight drugs since the 1970s, but apparently, the U.S. government has been fighting different wars on drugs for a long time. A...

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Addressing Substance Use Disorder

Do we have a new president yet? I wrote this post before Election Day, so I’m not sure that the United States actually elected a new president on Tuesday, November 8th. For all I know, the country could be experiencing a replay of 2000, when a close election between...

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Drug Addiction, Choices, and Elections

Happy Election Day! Finally, right? If you’re living in the United States, you know what I mean. It seems like this election has been going on since the last presidential election day in 2012. I didn’t really support either candidate this year. Instead, I grudgingly...

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Concentrating on Concerta

Do you know what Concerta is? No, it’s not a midsized sedan that consistently wins awards for its dependability. Concerta is the brand name for a drug known as methylphenidate. You might be more familiar with another brand name for methylphenidate, Ritalin. Doctors...

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