Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Anxiety Disorder and Drug Addiction—Where to Turn Next?

Anxiety is a pervasive, ugly little demon. It can pop up when you least expect it. Maybe you're just talking with a friend. And all of a sudden, your mind goes blank. You're worried. About what? It could be something you said weeks ago, or maybe you're thinking about...

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Support for People Who Abuse Marijuana

Today, we’ll be talking about another famous person who has battled drugs. Luckily, while this story is sad, it doesn’t have the tragic ending that so many of these stories seem to have. Irish singer and songwriter Sinead O’Connor rose to prominence in the early 1990s...

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The Surprising Dangers of Inhalant Abuse

Using inhalants can’t be that bad for you. After all, you can buy them legally in stores. They’re just everyday products and can’t hurt you, unlike drugs like heroin and cocaine. These statements are definitely wrong. Using an inhalant in the wrong way can lead to...

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Drug and Alcohol Abuse and the Example of Others

Today, November 1st, is a day many people use to celebrate people who have died. Whether they go to religious services, decorate graves, or participate in other activities, people often use this day to think about departed people and the past. Thinking about the past...

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Tricks, Treats, Judgment, and Substance Use Disorder

Happy Halloween! I hope you have fun things planned today, or have been doing other fun, Halloween-related things leading up to this. Just the decorations alone are kind of fun, right? I also hope that you don’t think that you’re too old for such activities. It seems...

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Fentanyl in the Midwest: Addiction Turns Deadly

If you pay attention to the recent news surrounding the opioid epidemic in the Midwest, you've likely heard the name "fentanyl" floating around. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a warning regarding the prevalence of this drug, which has...

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Alcohol Abuse and PTSD: Helping Veterans Recover

Veterans and mental health came to the forefront of the media recently when Donald Trump described PTSD as a form of weakness: "When you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat and they see maybe what the people in this...

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