Texas Addiction Recovery Blog

Moonshine and You

It’s hard to believe that it’s 2016 and we’re talking about moonshine, but it is, and we are. It isn’t just a relic of the past. Moonshine seems to be pretty popular these days. As with other types of alcohol and drugs, there’s a huge variety of moonshine out there....

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Stimulants and Depression: Self-Medicating to Stay Afloat

Stimulants are called uppers for a simple reason: they get your body and mind moving, and you start to feel pretty good. You're able to get lots of work done; it seems like one thought feeds into the next. You're inspired. In any case, that's usually what...

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Holidays and Recovery

Another day, another post about Halloween. Today’s post is about celebrating holidays without alcohol. Some people might think that a holiday with alcohol is not a holiday at all. They might think that it’s impossible to truly celebrate a holiday without using alcohol...

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Overeating and Food Addictions

We’ve been talking a lot lately about whether Halloween relates to drinking alcohol and sugar addictions. We might as well discuss other conditions that might relate to the holiday: overeating and food addictions. Heavens knows I worry about eating too much,...

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Is Sugar Addiction Real?

Halloween’s later this month. What does that mean to you? It means lots of things to me. Costumes, parties, cute little kids trick-or-treating, and interesting decorations are just some of the things I associate with Halloween. And candy. Lots and lots of candy. Even...

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Halloween Tricks and Treats

Halloween is coming up. Will it provide more tricks or treats? As with other holidays, Halloween might give us ample opportunities to drink large amounts of alcohol or use drugs. We’re not trying to preach to you here, especially since you’re probably an adult. It’s...

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Alcohol and Depression: The Double-Edged Sword

When you feel down, it's natural to desire a release. Alcohol is a depressant, but statistically, those diagnosed with depression tend to drink more. Why? The answer is pretty simple: alcohol is a brief, albeit effective up-lifter. It works, if only momentarily. But,...

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