Alcohol Makes You Fat: A Diet Story, Part 2

We left off the last blog post ready to start talking about how alcohol destructs your looks. If that sounds harsh, perhaps consider this—that just three, 200-calorie beverages tallies up to 600 calories. And it’s so easy to pile those on. And as we mentioned before, even if you stick to 75-100 calorie drinks, you’re inhibiting your natural metabolism, making weight loss much slower. Even if you work out.

If you’re trying to stay healthier and treat yourself better, drinking more than moderate amounts of alcohol (1 drink a day for women, 2 for men, 4 is bingeing for women and 5 for men) will only do you a disservice.

In order to really burn off the alcohol you just drank, you’ll likely need to run from 15 to 40 minutes. For higher calorie drinks, like a sugary whiskey sour, 3 drinks will mean that you have to run on a treadmill for about an hour and a half. Sangria, piña colada, wine…it doesn’t take much to really pile on those calories.

Here are just a few of the ways that alcohol inhibits your looks and straight up makes you uglier:

  • Inhibits normal sleeping patterns: just about everyone knows that sleeping regularly, deeply and at decent hours will help you to be healthier and happier. It’s also known that poor sleep can also send shock waves through your metabolism and generally deplete your immune system.
  • Risky behavior: while some problem drinkers might behave erratically and make dangerous choices, others might eat poorly. Some people who are frustrated with how difficult it is to quit smoking might find themselves with a cigarette whenever they’re drunk.
  • Aging: Alcohol will make you age more quickly, causing your skin to be less defined, .

Without a doubt, even those who would like to cut back will probably find that a life without alcohol equates to better looks.

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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