Anxiety Disorder and Drug Addiction—Where to Turn Next?

Anxiety is a pervasive, ugly little demon. It can pop up when you least expect it. Maybe you’re just talking with a friend. And all of a sudden, your mind goes blank. You’re worried. About what? It could be something you said weeks ago, or maybe you’re thinking about what to make for dinner. Or you have the deep sinking feeling that you’ve done something wrong and you don’t know what. Or that something bad is going to happen. Or that you’re ugly, stupid, and nobody likes you.

These gnawing feelings, depending on the nature of them, could be characterized as anxiety. Anxiety could be just a brief, fleeting feeling—when you think you’ve lost your keys, or when you’re nervous about standing up in front of the class. But when anxiety pops up in every facet of your life, when you least expect it—and it’s uncontrollable, and in some cases, even leading up to an utter breakdown (or an anxiety attack)—that’s a diagnosable psychiatric condition that can be addressed with professional help.

And if you’re thinking the same thing over and over again, if you’re fixated on one thing and can’t get your mind off—depending on the nature of the thought, this could be characterized as obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is a distinct form of anxiety.

At any rate, if you’re constantly anxious, it’s likely that you want to quash those feelings. Some may do so with psychiatric treatment, and being prescribed medications that will help to ease the symptoms of anxiety (like sweaty palms, shakiness, sweating, the feeling that your mind is blank). Others may choose to abuse drugs as a result.

Benzodiazepines, like or Klonopin, are popular choices for drug abuse as the result of anxiety. Not everyone is prescribed Xanax (especially in recent years) due to the addictive nature of the drug.

It’s important to address both conditions (anxiety, a psychiatric disorder) and addiction. And remember, if you’re in the camp that abuses illicit substances due to anxiety, you are not alone: “About 20 percent of Americans with an anxiety or mood disorder such as depression have an alcohol or other substance use disorder, and about 20 percent of those with an alcohol or substance use disorder also have an anxiety or mood disorder.”

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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