Black market drugs. Even the words sound mysterious. But this mystery can contain a substantial amount of danger, a danger that can kill.
Although their name sounds exotic, black market drugs are anything but. The name just means normal distribution channels don’t distribute the drugs but illegal vendors do. This could be a way for sellers to distribute prescription medications without doctors’ prescriptions.
Prescription medications are regulated, and for very good reasons. They are often powerful drugs that require experts to determine if people need them in the first place and if they do, how much they should use.
Doctors and pharmacists can determine if people have other medical conditions or medications that may interfere with the safety and effectiveness of such drugs. Clearly, dispensing a prescription drug requires medical and pharmacological knowledge that profit-conscious black market vendors probably don’t have.
That’s because drugs aren’t for amateurs. You need education and experience to develop, manufacture, and test drugs. A thirst for profit isn’t enough. A conscience is also key. Drugs affect people.
Even drugs that trained doctors prescribe after careful consideration sometimes hurt people. Prescription drugs introduce foreign substances into bodies that aren’t functioning at 100% capacity. Unfortunately, sometimes drugs don’t have the effects the prescribers thought that they would. Sometimes people experience adverse reactions to drugs, even if they take them as prescribed.
If this happens, the affected people and their families might have options. They can go to doctors and hospitals to try to determine what went wrong, actions that might help the patients or other patients avoid such problems in the future. If the drug itself is defective, maybe patients might even seek legal action for such problems.
But people who purchase black market drugs cannot seek such recourse. In fact, by buying black market drugs, they may be breaking the law, so they may be reluctant to visit their doctors for help or contact the manufacturers, even if such drugs have hurt them.
Buying black market drugs, then, isn’t worth the money people can save or the high they can achieve from abusing such drugs. Black market drugs just provide too many unknowns to be a safe alternative.