How to Recover from Guilt in Addiction Rehab

When you’re actively addicted, often, you may not be very well-behaved. When you’re deep into addictive habits, there’s always a chance that you might be tempted to steal from friends and family for drugs, get involved in criminal activity in order to get money for more drugs, among other reprehensible acts. Even when you’ve never been known to steal or tell lies—addiction produces these types of behaviors, as a survival instinct. Especially when an addict has an underlying mental illness they have not treated, there’s always a chance of acting out—especially in sharp mood swings—but an addict can always demonstrate behavior such as violence, even when they’d never displayed violent behavior before. You may get into trouble with the law while under the influence, or you may practice risky behavior, such as promiscuity, getting into fights, and even criminal activity.

So how does one deal with these types of problems when becoming sober? Sobriety carries with it a type of rawness. It’s possible to feel very strongly about types of behavior that you’re less proud of, and when you’re just starting out with sobriety, these moments can stand out prominently in your mind. And what do you do when you’re feeling anxious or fear about a specific event? You have to confront those moments with confidence;

Steps 8 and 9 of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous have to do with making amends to the people you’ve harmed while actively addicted. Step 8 involves creating the list of people who deserve an apology or assessment for your behavior, and Step 9 involves reaching out to those people in making amends and apologizing for your behavior. This involves contacting those who you’ve “wronged” or feel that they have been manipulated by your addiction.

No matter the degree of addiction, self-assurance through the practice of making amends in recovery is a great way to assure continued sobriety.

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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