Effective Cocaine Addiction Treatment Program In Texas
Can you imagine having a hole in your nose from snorting so much cocaine? What if you have a powerful desire or craving for cocaine? No matter how much you do, you can’t have enough. In fact, Steven Tyler, the frontman of Aerosmith, claims he spent $5 or $6 million on cocaine during his career. In an interview with US Magazine, Tyler said, “You could also say I snorted half of Peru, but, you know, it’s what we did.” Can you relate to this? Spending obnoxious amounts of money on cocaine?
Selfishly not sharing it and binging on it for entire evenings without sleep? Do you exhibit signs of cocaine addiction? Are you like many others who need treatment for a drug addiction that is out of control? You have come to the right place for help. Willow Springs can help you with the best cocaine addiction treatment in Texas. Cocaine is also known as coke, blow, dust, and cola. It comes as a fine, white, bitter powder that is derived from South America. It comes from the coca plant and is shipped to the U.S. by violent cartels. There is also crack cocaine.
Crack cocaine is made from cocaine, but it’s made into small rocks that can be smoked. Crack cocaine is manufactured in the U.S. using cocaine, water and ammonia or baking soda. The effects of crack cocaine can kick in almost immediately while snorting it can take up to 20 minutes. Effects are felt for approximately 30 minutes and when the high is over, you might be cutting or smoking some more to make your high last longer. This causes a severe addiction.
Cocaine Addiction, Abuse, and Recovery
Many people stumble on cocaine when a friend offers them a line to try. Maybe it was at a party or a concert when your friend promised you a good time if you participated. Once you took the first hit, your eyes lit up and your face went numb. You couldn’t stop talking and everyone became your friend. You quickly prayed for another hit, you never wanted it to go away.
Did you partake in more cocaine abuse when your friends offered you more? This is how cocaine addiction starts. Cocaine addiction in Texas is especially a problem. With Texas sitting right on the Mexico border and is a common spot for people to smuggle in cocaine. In fact, in March 2016, a man was busted at a traffic stop with $100,000 in his car, according to the Bradenton Herald.
You can see how many people end up looking for cocaine addiction treatment in Texas. People will do nearly anything for cocaine, including, robbing banks, stealing from friends and family members, and even stealing from work. These are just mild things people do to fund their cocaine addiction. If you’re new to cocaine abuse, you might not think you would go far.
If you’re a weathered veteran, you likely know the lengths you will go to obtain more cocaine. If you have experienced withdrawal of cocaine, you know how bad it can be. This feeling makes you want more. It’s a never ending cycle.
You might not have control over your cocaine addiction, and that is extremely dangerous. Many people lose control of their drug use and this often inspires them to find treatment options. Let Willow Springs help you with your detoxification and cocaine addiction treatment.
Cocaine Addiction: Signs and Symptoms
Cocaine insidiously flies through your brain, harming and killing brain cells. This is why cocaine makes you feel so good. Your brain has this chemical called dopamine, It is the pleasure chemical in your brain. It’s like candy to a child, but in your brain. When you have a cocaine addiction, the cocaine shoots dopamine into your brain so you feel amazing. It overloads your brain. When you’re without it, your body doesn’t put as much dopamine into your brain, so you feel down, until you take more cocaine again.
Short and Long-Term Effects of Cocaine Addiction
Drug addiction of any kind has devastating effects in the long-term. In the short-term, cocaine has some eye-opening effects that you might not be aware of.
Some of the short-term effects of cocaine abuse are:
- Increased heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature
- Loss of appetite
- Dilated pupils
- Disturbed sleep patterns
- Nausea
- Bizarre, erratic, sometimes violent behavior
- Hallucinations
- Depression
- Intense euphoria
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Drug cravings
- Panic and psychosis
Long-term cocaine abuse can have these effects:
- High blood pressure
- Liver, kidney, and lung damage
- Permanent blood vessel damage
- Malnutrition
- Severe tooth decay
- Sexual problems
- Irritability and mood disturbances
- Delirium
- Severe depression
Depending on your cocaine addiction, you might also be at risk of contracting blood-borne diseases such as HIV. If you inject cocaine and share needles, you’re putting yourself at an extra risk of HIV. If you partake in risky behaviors, you’re also at-risk of sharing HIV or Hepatitis C. Risky endeavors like sexual behavior are known for sharing diseases.