Valium Addiction Treatment Center In Texas
Do you know how widespread Valium abuse is? In 2010, researchers found 2.6 million people use drugs such as Valium, for non-medical reasons. From 2005 to 2011, more than one million hospital visits resulted from abusing drugs such as Valium. If you were one of the many people abusing Valium, you developed an addiction after your doctor prescribed the drug for your anxiety. Your Valium abuse was probably unintentional.
Valium, a highly addictive benzodiazepine, can calm you down and make you more clear headed. But after a period of time, the Valium’s effects on your body weaken. This is known as a drug tolerance. This creates a major problem when your anxiety returns, and can’t be controlled with your current dosage.
As a result, you may take more than your original dosage of Valium. Did you ask your doctor to refill your prescription? During that time, did your doctor alert you to the possible implications of taking too much Valium? If you are in denial, you might have ignored your doctor and went to another doctor for help. This is known as “doctor shopping,” which many addicts do in desperate times.
Accidents happen, and your addiction is not your failing. You may blame yourself nonetheless. We can show you none of what transpired was your fault. Our Valium addiction treatment in Texas could be the key to putting an end to your addiction.
Catching Valium Addiction Early
There are ways to tell if you have a Valium addiction. Many signs of Valium addiction and symptoms of Valium addiction could become obvious to your loved ones. If you are addicted to Valium, we can help you. We can create a Valium addiction treatment plan, which can help you learn new coping mechanisms in an effort to recover from your addiction. A combination of group therapy and individualized counseling are common therapy options to help addicts get to the root cause of their problems.
Side Effects of Valium Abuse
- Lack of coordination
- Euphoria
- Delayed reflexes
- Blurred vision
- Confusion
- Memory loss
Signs of a Valium Overdose
- Unable to control body motions
- Reflexes declining
- Very low blood pressure
- Respiratory depression
- Coma
Evidence of Valium Withdrawal
- Tremors
- Abdominal muscle cramps
- Vomiting
- Sweating
- Confusion
- Irritability
- Hypersensitivity
- Hallucinations
- Epileptic seizures
How Valium Works in Your Body
Understanding how Valium works in your body may be the key to defeating your addiction. The drug itself can cause a lot of damage to your body. The addict may have been unaware of how much damage the drug was causing to their brain and emotions. The drug does the most damage to your brain, which in turn affects your emotions. Knowing about how much damage a drug caused a user can help to prevent future abuse. Valium slows down the levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid in your brain. By doing so, it will slow or stop your abnormal brain activity. Valium communicates with neurotransmitters in the user’s brain, and will reduce any arousal or emotional feelings. The drug can depress the electrical after-discharge in an addict’s amygdala and hippocampus, located in their limbic system. Your limbic system is responsible for regulating your emotions.
Questions to Consider About Your Valium Abuse
Do you use Valium far longer than originally intended? Have you tried to decrease the Valium you take and had trouble doing so? Does much of your time focus on obtaining, using or recovering from Valium? Have you ignored other personal life activities in order to focus on your Valium addiction?
If you can answer yes to any or all of these questions, you are addicted to Valium, and would benefit from contacting Willow Springs.
Finding Your Strength Within to Fight Valium Addiction
Meeting with our addiction treatment specialists is the first step for any addict on the road to recovery for Valium addiction. Your addiction treatment specialist will recommend a personalized inpatient drug rehab program for you. Before treatment can start, it is important for you to cleanse your body of the drug. This causes a variety of withdrawal symptoms that people experience differently, depending on the severity of addiction.
Our medical staff provides around-the-clock care to help manage the pain and discomfort associated with the following symptoms:
- Seizures
- Hallucinations
- Anxiety
- Respiratory Distress
- Numbness
- Agitation
- Insomnia
- Personality Changes
- Coma
The withdrawal of Valium lasts for three to five days on average. When you are finished with the detox of Valium you will have gotten through the most difficult part of overcoming Valium addiction and can begin your treatment.
All the while you may be thinking about how you are missing out on your career and personal life. Willow Springs is work-friendly, and we might be able to help you continue working from a distance if you so choose and your company allows for that. In a 2010 report completed by Quest Diagnostics, a drug testing company, they discovered eight percent of full-time workers and 11.5 percent of part-time workers are current drug abusers.
A 2008 report by the same company discovered more workers test positive for abuse of prescription drugs such as Valium, than meth and cocaine combined. Our individualized treatment approach might include adjusting the program schedule for you or your loved one so business trips and meetings are not missed.