Drawing and Meditating Your Way to Recovery

Do you know what a Zentangle is? Don’t worry if you don’t know—I didn’t know about it myself until just a few minutes ago.

The weird thing is, you and I have probably been creating Zentangles for years.

It turns out that Zentangles are abstract patterns that you can draw. Since these designs are patterns, they’re repetitive. You can learn about this method by searching the Internet or taking classes.

But we’ve all probably been creating similar sorts of designs for years. Think of the patterns we’ve doodled when talking on the phone, the patterns we’ve drawn when listening to a lecture or sitting in a meeting. We do this because we’re bored and are trying to keep our minds occupied.

Since drawing such repetitive designs can occupy our minds, it prevents us from thinking of other things. This is a form of meditation, and meditation can help us in so many ways.

Meditation can help people who are recovering from a drug or alcohol habit. It requires people to focus on their present states, not what happened in the past or what could happen in the future.

Since it requires people to focus on what they’re thinking, meditation is a big component in non 12 step rehab. Holistic rehab treats the mind and spirit as well as the body. Other holistic practices that address all of these components include acupuncture and yoga. You probably know that yoga is BIG now. Yoga studios are popping up everywhere. More and more companies are selling yoga clothes that people wear to yoga classes and everywhere else. Holistic rehab centers also use yoga to treat their patients as well.

We’ve learned that doodling and creating other drawings can be a form of therapy. So can yoga. I guess what I’m trying to say is that we’re always learning new things, or at least new applications for old things.

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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