Reach Out for Help With Alcohol Abuse When You Need It

Why is sponsorship so important in recovery? What happens if you don’t have friends in recovery?

Many people credit their success in recovery to the friends that are there for them and the people who provide them with emotional support throughout their recovery from addiction.

There’s no bad reason to go to rehab. In fact, many addicts certainly don’t desire to go to addiction treatment, because many rehab programs are associated with practices they don’t believe in (like 12-step), or because their withdrawal symptoms are too difficult to deal with.

Because of this, they might choose to retreat into themselves, spending less and less time with friends they did before. But for someone who abuses alcohol, loneliness can bring about relapse…in some cases, being alone and in recovery can conceal their real feelings about themselves. While the reality is that many rehabilitation centers won’t force you into a regimen you don’t agree with, it’s crucial to have friends along the way, too.

1. Friendships
Like any good friendship, emotional support is a key factor in maintaining a good relationship. You don’t necessarily have to make a friend into a sponsor (actually, that’s probably not so easy to do), but you can find a friend who will listen to your problems with recovery and provide supportive feedback.

2. Accountability
For some people, accountability is everything. Accountability can refer to many different scenarios, but the aim and intent of incorporating accountability in recovery is to give you some constituents to follow and rules to uphold. Being “held accountable” for your actions means that you have another person equally concerned about the progress of your recovery. If you slip up, you won’t just be hurting yourself, you’ll be hurting the person who holds you accountable.

3. Companionship
Sometimes all you really need is someone else to be in the same room as you. It could be a human or an animal. Just the mere presence of another person can be enough to feel a little better.

4. Distraction
Good, supportive friends can provide you with a welcome distraction—when you aren’t thinking about using as much, you’re headed toward lasting recovery.

“You need another alcoholic to talk to you. You need another alcoholic just as much as he needs you!” – Bill W.

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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