4 Ways Aromatherapy Helps With Substance Use Disorder

In the age of alternative therapies, there are many methods we can use to deal with our recovery, in mental health and substance use disorder. Aromatherapy is one method that can ease some of the discomfort when transitioning to a sober life. It’s the use of pleasant, helpful scents that can benefit both mental and physical health. While some of the concrete effects of aromatherapy are debated, it’s true that simply inhaling a pleasant scent can have positive effects on the mind, in improving mood, easing anxiety, promoting healthy sleep, and helping with cravings.

Did you know that good smells are good for you?

Here are some examples of scents, and what problems they can help with:

  • Lavender oil can do it all. When used for sleep, rubbing lavender oil on the soles of your feet can help you to fall asleep faster, can help to keep you asleep, and wake up naturally when you are rested. Sleep is an integral part of recovering the body—without sleep, we can’t heal.
  • Lemon oil is one of those versatile oils that can be used for pleasant scents or around the house in cleaning. When used in aromatherapy, lemon oil is re-energizing, clearing the mind. When both lemon and lavender oil are mixed together as a scent, it provides a relaxing mix of focus and ease.
  • Sandalwood oil is probably most commonly recognized as an incense, but the oil can be used in aromatherapy. A grounding, protective scent, sandalwood can help in recovery with use in meditation, yoga, or simply to relax.
  • Peppermint oil can be used to help with breathing, as well as ease headaches. Many going through recovery have withdrawal symptoms that can include nausea and headache. A combination of peppermint and lavender oil can be very soothing in treating pain and other withdrawal effects.

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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